So... let's talk about "worth," SELF-WORTH to be exact.
Because let's be honest, not everyone will appreciate you, your contributions, and achievements (big or small). But what is truly critical is how much YOU value YOU; and that is the first key to unlocking fulfillment through Self-Care.

It took me years to not just recognize my worth but to finally accept it, embrace it, and bask in it. To wear it like a CROWN. I recognized that because I was so used to being "undervalued" by others, that I had begun to undervalue myself. I was putting any- and everything above my needs and barely had leftovers for myself. And do you know where that left me? Burned out, broke down, and physically & emotionally wrecked!
True, from the outside I looked like I had it together but I had honestly let myself go internally. I would wake up in the mornings, get dressed, do a full face of make-up, go about my day with a smile, and would cry in my car all the way home. And I had no clue what I was actually crying about! Until one day it dawned on me. I had no idea who I was anymore outside of my career & being a mother. "What did I like to do? What were my interests? What things brought me joy that weren't attached to others?"
And how could I possibly value "ME" when I no longer knew who "ME" was?
After that realization, I became very intentional about setting boundaries & not putting myself last. And it pissed off A LOT of people; people who were not used to me enforcing boundaries and/or putting myself first in certain situations. Because let's face it, Self-care is often confused with Selfishness for those who don't know the difference. And yes, I got called selfish a few times! But at that point in my journey, I had surpassed caring what others said, thought, or did. I knew my intentions, the healing work that I was putting into myself, and the end goal of solidifying my Self-Worth (so that I never ended up in my car crying for unknown reasons!)
My hope for You is that you can stand firm in knowing that your worth is not defined by others, what you can do for others, or how others view you. Your worth is defined by YOU, how you view yourself, and how you treat and care for YOURSELF. Take your time. Do the things you enjoy. Do things to pamper yourself. Lay down and do absolutely NOTHING if that's what you need! But the point is to make sure that you value yourself enough to give yourself what you truly REQUIRE.
And that is the value in true SELF-WORTH.
Peace & Blessings,
LaDonna S.
Need this today... 😊